Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Strength in Uncertain Times: IL Philosophy, Service Delivery, and Canadians with Disabilities

There have been drastic changes to the way the federal government administers various programs. Yet  many are unaware of what these changes mean for disability organizations and persons with disabilities. 

To lear more, check out this recent piece in Abilities "Strength in Uncertain Times: IL Philosophy, Service Delivery, and Canadians with Disabilities." 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Ontario’s Pre-Budget Consultations: Make sure your voice is heard!

Ontario’s Minister of Finance is currently hosting pre-budget consultations with individuals, organizations, associations, and stakeholders across the province.
There are a number of different ways to ensure your voice is heard, and for the first time ever you can provide feedback digitally. 

Below are all the different ways you can share your feedback:

  •  Use the Budget Talks website to rate issues that matter the most to you (including disability & employment):

  •  Through Twitter by following or Tweeting the Ontario Government at @ONgov. Remember to use #BudgetTalks as your hashtag to ensure you're part of the conversation! 

  • Through email submissions to Email submissions are a great way to share longer needs, concerns and thoughts.  

  • Through in-person and telephone Town Halls. To see dates and time and learn more check this website

There are a number of ways to ensure the needs of the disability community are heard before the budget – lets all make sure the Minister of Finance knows how important a real investment in comprehensive disability supports (i.e. housing, employment, transportation etc.) is to this community. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Campaign for Peace and Democracy Coverage of Disability Rights

The Campaign for Peace and Democracy has posted speaking notes from our recent presentations around disability rights (including my piece on unpaid labour and intellectual disability). 

Check these out for some great insight into the history of disability rights and the continued fight for equity. 

While there be sure to check out some of the amazing work the Campaign for Peace and Justice is doing to promote progressive and non-militaristic foreign policy.